Title: How is ‘beauty’ represented within the media? Making particular reference to ‘Ugly Betty.'
- I think 'Beauty' is represented through looks and other feautres.
- Example being 'Desperate housewives', 'Wags', 'America's Next Top Model, Fashion shows and many more. These all show women's bieng judged by appearance.
- Most of the media around us today is based upon looks, and face features as well as body. On the fashion shows you see size 0 models.
- 'Ugly Betty' is different to this it's main protaginist is 'Betty' the main character, she is all the opposite's to what the media represent and difne to be 'beautiful' in meida today.
- Other text which i can realate to 'Ugly Betty', how it connotates similar representations of beauty.
M: Throughout the sit-com we are mostly presented with Betty's face close-up's and her face impressions.
ID: Women are mean to be feminine and attractive also independant. looks are given a big attention, yet Betty being the protaginist we're told, you should be comfortable in what ever you wear and however you look. Also that looks doesn't get you everywhere.
G: Comedy and romance.